Apr 30, 2023
On episode 171, we welcome James Hibbard to discuss the philosophy of cycling and using it for self-creation; the business of cycling and why the sport no longer produces individual riders; whether American capitalism can be escaped by specific individuals; Nietzsche and the existential, human ideal;...
Apr 23, 2023
On episode 170, we welcome Edith Shiro to discuss the five step model of post traumatic growth, what trauma is and the social and psychological contributions to PTSD, how culture silences victims, Alen and Leon’s struggles with emotional expression, the importance of turning to the right people for healing, why we...
Apr 16, 2023
On episode 169, we welcome Dean Rickles to discuss existential, death anxiety and its utility in helping us lead more meaningful lives; narcissism and the bulletproof vest; how our egos preclude us from taking important risks; Michael Shermer’s conception of Alvy’s Error; the importance of cultivating self-esteem...
Apr 9, 2023
On episode 168, we welcome Chuck Wisner to discuss the importance of conscious conversations in building deeper connections and understanding between people, the role of active listening in conscious conversations, how it can transform our relationships and interactions, strategies for cultivating empathy and compassion...
Apr 3, 2023
On episode 167, we welcome Chuck Thompson to discuss the evolution of status and popularity, our tendency to believe it indicates inherent value, true art as opposed to popular art, status and its intrinsic association with self-esteem, whether status-seeking is bad, if human hierarchies are natural and our tendency to...